Chapter 5 Power Saving Functions5-1. Setting Power Saving <Power Save>
This function allows you to set the monitor into the power saving mode a ccording to the PC status. When the
monitor has shifted to the power saving mode, the images on t he screen are not displayed.
• Turning off the m ain power switch or unplugging the power cord com pletely shuts off power supply to the monitor.
• Devices con nected to the USB upstream por t and USB downstream port work when the m onitor is in power saving
mode or when the power button of the monitor is Off. Ther efore, power consumption of the monitor varies w ith
connected devices even in the power savi ng mode.
• Five seconds before the mon itor enters the power saving mode, it displays a preli minary message.
1. Choose <PowerManager> from the Adjustme nt menu, and press .
2. Choose <Power Save> from <PowerManager>, and press .
3. Select “Off ” and either “High” or “Low” with or .
High: Turnsoffthebacklight.Thepowersavingeffectisthegreatest.
Low: Turnsdownthebacklighttothelowestsetting.Thetimeuntiltheoperatio nstabilizesafterexiting
4. Press to exit.
Power Saving System
At DVI signal input
This monitor complies with the “DVI DMPM” standard.
At DisplayPort signal input
This monitor complies with the “DisplayPort Standard V1.1a”.
The monitor enters the power saving mode after ve seconds in con nection with the PC setting.
PC Monitor Power Indicator
ON Operating Green
Powersavingmode Powersavingmode Orange
5-2. Setting Power Indicator <Power Indicator>
The brightness of the power indicator (green) when the screen is dis played can be adjusted (default setting is set
to light up when power is turned on, and brightne ss is set to 4).
1. Choose <PowerManager> from the Adjustme nt menu, and press .
2. Choose <Power Indicator> from <PowerManager>, and press .
3. Select the indicator br ightness “Off” or in the range f rom 1 to 7 with or as desired.
4. Press to exit.