Enter the gateway IP address to use when routing packets to the destination. The IP address must be in standard decimal dot notation. For example, 123.234.345.490
36 Command Reference Guide
Define NDS Tree
Specify the NDS Tree where the PSERVER object exists.
>Server>> define server netware nds “tree_name”
“tree_name” Enter the NDS tree name where the printer server is located, enclosed in quotes. The default is no NDS tree name. To clear, enter “” in its place.
TCP/IP Commands
Change TCP/IP Routing
Modify a TCP/IP routing entry in the printer server’s internal routing table.
>Server>> [set define change] server route IP dest_ip gateway gwy_name gwy_ip
dest_ip Enter the IP address of a destination network whose route you desire to add to the routing table. The IP address must be in standard decimal dot notation. For example, 123.234.345.490
gwy_name Enter the gateway node name to use when routing packets to the destination.