
Character spacing

Character spacings of 10, 12, or 15 cpi (characters per inch) and proportional are available using software commands or your application program. See Chapter 7 for the character spacings available for each font.

In the 10-, 12-, or 15-cpi modes, each character gets an equal amount of space. In proportional mode, the spacing varies from character to character. A narrow letter like a lowercase i receives less space than an uppercase W.

The printout below compares the different types of spacing:

This is 10 cpi printing.

This is 12 cpi printing.

T h i s i s 1 5 c p i p r i n t i n g .



is proportional printing.


Condensed printing






the size of characters

to approximately

60 percent

of their


width, allowing more

characters to fit on

a line. This is useful for spreadsheets and other applications where you need to print the maximum amount of information on a page.

You can condense 10 cpi, 12 cpi, and proportional spacing using software commands or your application program. You cannot condense 15-cpi printing.

The printout below shows condensed 10- and 12-cpi printing.

This is condensed 10 cpi printing.
This is condensed 12 cpi printing.

Using the Printer
