Printing with EPSON Stylus RIP for Macintosh
Now you’re ready to print a PostScript document from the print server or a client Macintosh. See the following section for printing instructions.
To make starting Stylus RIP easy and to allow you to drag and drop PostScript files for printing, create an alias of the StylusRIP Server program on your desktop. Click the StylusRIP Server icon and select Make Alias from the File menu. Then drag the alias icon to your desktop. See page
Printing from an Application
When you want to print PostScript documents, you must first start the Stylus RIP Server software, and then leave it running. In most situations, you should leave it active until you shut down your Macintosh.
To set up the Stylus RIP Server software so it starts automatically each time you turn on or restart your Macintosh, see page
Then, when you send a PostScript print job from your application to the Stylus RIP Server, it processes the PostScript file into a raster image and prints it on your printer. If you send the job from a client Macintosh on a network, the Stylus RIP Client software sends it to the print server Macintosh for processing.
Before printing from an application, make sure the Stylus RIP Server software is set up and running.
If you’re printing from a client system, you don’t need to have the Stylus RIP software on your Macintosh. Just make sure Stylus RIP is running on the server and AdobePS is selected in the client Macintosh’s Chooser before you print. See page