Your saved files don’t print (Windows)
Possible cause | Solution |
You’re not saving | When you print from your application, make sure |
your PostScript print | you save your PostScript print files with the .ps or |
files with the .ps or | .prn extension. Stylus RIP only processes files with |
.prn extension. | one of these two extensions in their names. |
You’re not saving | When you print from your application, make sure |
your PostScript print | you save your PostScript print files in the |
files in the right | C:\Windows\Temp folder. Stylus RIP will only |
folder. | process files in this folder, unless you configure |
| |
| instructions. |
EPSON Stylus RIP takes a long time before printing starts
Possible cause | Solution |
Your system needs | Add RAM to your computer. Complex jobs that use |
more memory. | a large number of fonts will process faster with |
| more RAM. |
Your system needs a Upgrade your CPU, if possible, for faster processing
faster processor. | of your print jobs. |
Your printouts contain incorrect fonts or jagged type
Possible cause | Solution |
You’re not using | Make sure you have PostScript compatible fonts |
PostScript fonts or | (not just screen fonts) loaded on your system and |
your fonts are | selected in your application. Most fonts are |
incorrectly installed. | downloaded with the print job. If the page is |
| missing a font, EPSON Stylus RIP will default to |
| Courier or print a bitmap image of the font. |
The print head | Run a self test on the printer and clean the print |
nozzles are clogged. | heads if necessary. See your printer documentation |
| for instructions. |