Positioning the Projector

The projector can be installed for three different viewing setups: front projection, ceiling mounting, or rear projection onto a semi-transparent screen, as shown:

front projection


Don’t hold or lift the projector by the lens, or you may damage it.

Make sure there is plenty of space for ventilation around and under the projector.

ceiling mounting

rear projection

To project from overhead, you’ll need to select Ceiling in the projector’s Advanced menu. To project from the rear, select Rear Proj. See “Setting Advanced Features” on page 79.

You can place the projector approximately 3.1 to 48 feet from the screen when equipped with the standard lens. Use the figure below as a guideline to help you determine the projector’s placement, or use the formulas on page 112 for additional guidance.

43 ft

8 ft

4 ft

distance from screen

Keep in mind that the image size generally increases with distance, but may vary depending on how you position the zoom ring and whether you have adjusted the image size with other settings.

16Setting Up the Projector