3.Make sure English is the selected language. If you wish to install Adobe Acrobat 4.0 to view the ELP Link V User’s Guide, click

Install Acrobat Reader. Then click OK.

4.Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. The following programs are installed on the system:

EMP Link VEMP File UtilityEMP ScenarioEMP Tablet5.Restart the system.

Follow the instructions in the next section to identify the projector in the EMP software.

Identifying the Projector in the EMP Software

To enable the EasyMP software to recognize the projector, follow the steps below to register the projector’s name. (If you have multiple projectors on your network, it may be easier to register their names in the pjhosts.ini file; see page 54.)

1.Open EMP Tablet: click Start, Programs, EasyMP, and thenEMP Tablet.You see this screen:2. Click Search.


After installing the software, you may wish to place the projector User’s Guide on the user’s system. Insert the PowerLite 8150i CD-ROM. When you see the main menu, click Install/View Documentation and select the pieces you wish to install.

Setting up EasyMP.net 53