setting ChalWAer sets

Choosing a character table

DIP switch l-4 selects the italics character table or the Epson

Extended Graphics character table. The Epson Extended Graphics character table contains international accented characters, Greek characters, and character graphics for printing lines, corners, and shaded areas. Since the character table setting affects only the upper half of the character table, you can still print text if you have selected the Extended Graphics set. Also, you can still print italics if you use the proper software command.

To change the setting of a DIP switch, first turn off the printer. Then change the DIP switch, and turn the printer back on.

Turning DIP switch 1-4 on selects the Epson Extended Graphics character table; turning l-4 off selects the italics table.

The tables on the following pages show what characters are printed in each of the character tables. The values across the top of the tables are the first hexadecimal value of the two-digit code for each character, and the values down the left side of the table are the second hexadecimal value.
