
Hexadecimal (hex)

See Number systems.

Hex dump

See Data dump.


Return the printer to its defaults.


The connection between the computer and the printer. A serial interface transmits data one bit at a time and a parallel interface transmits data one character or code at a time.


A typestyle in which the characters slant. This sentence is


Letter Quality (LQ)

One of two methods of printing on the LQ. Letter Quality reduces the print speed and increases the number of dots per character to increase the print quality. Draft uses a minimum number of dots per character for high-speed printing.

Line feed

A control code or button that advances the paper one line space.

Loading position

The position to which the paper is automatically loaded. It can be adjusted with the micro-adjustment feature.

Micro adjustment

A feature that adjusts the loading and short tear-off positions in 1/180 of an inch units, This feature can be used immediately after loading paper when the MULTI-PARTindicator light on the control panel is flashing.

Number systems

Three number systems are commonly used with printers:
