The following optional equipment should be available from your Epson dealer:
•300/1200-baud Hayes@-compatible auto-dial internal modem
•1200/2400-baud Hayes-compatible auto-dial internal modem
•2MB memory expansion modules-one or two can be installed by an authorized Epson dealer or Customer Care Center
•Expansion chassis
•Soft carrying case.
Either of the internal modem options allows you to communicate with other computers over telephone lines. The expansion chassis contains two expansion slots, which can accommodate standard 8-bit and 16-bit option cards.
Your Equity LT-286 comes with MS-DOS? version 3.3, by Microsoft@’ and the GW-BASIC® programming language. You’ll find reference manuals for both MS-DOS and GW-BASIC packed in the box with the computer. You can use virtually any application program designed for the IBM@ Personal Computer, PC XT,” or PC AT” on your Equity LT-286.
In addition to MS-DOS and GW-BASIC, Epson has included three time-saving utilities that make MS-DOS easier to use: HELP, MENU, and XTREE® The HELP program lets you display information on the screen about any MS-DOS command. MENU provides an easier way to run the most common MS-DOS commands. XTREE is a disk management utility that simplifies all file and directory operations.