6.At the A> prompt, type FDISK and press Enter. The screen displays the FDISK Options menu.

7.Press 1 to select the Create DOS Partition option and

press Enter. The screen displays the following menu:

Create DOS Partition

Current Fixed Disk Drive: 1

1.Create Primary DOS partition

2.Create Extended DOS partition

Enter choice: [1]

Press ESC to return to FDISK Options

8. Press 1, then press Enter. The screen displays the following:

Create Primary DOS Partition

Current Fixed Disk Drive: 1

Do you wish to use the maximum size for a DOS partition and make the DOS partition active (Y/N)......? [Y]

Press ESC to return to FDISK Options

9.Press Y, then press Enter. The screen displays the following message:

System will now restart

Insert DOS diskette in drive A:

Press any key when ready . . .

10.Without removing the Startup/Operating 1 diskette, press any key to restart the system.

11.Press Enter twice to accept the date and time shown.

The system now recognizes the MS-DOS partition and the A> prompt reappears.

3-4 Preparing the Hard Disk for Use