The internal fluorescent illumination of the computer’s LCD screen. LCD screens that are not backlit are not legible without an external source of light.
Backlight periodThe length of time your LCD screen stays illuminated in the absence of keyboard activity. To restore the backlighting to your screen after the backlight period has elapsed, press any key. To change the backlight period, run the setup program (see Chapter 2).
BackupA copy of a program, data file, or disk, kept in case the original is damaged or lost.
Batch fileA text file containing one or more
A measure of the speed of data transmission. Usually equivalent to bits per second.
BitA binary digit (0 or 1). The smallest unit of information that can be stored by a computer. Eight bits make one byte.
BootTo load a program or an operating system into the computer’s memory.
ByteA sequence or group of eight bits. In the ASCII encoding system, a byte represents one character of data.
2 Glossary