Here is the BASIC program adapted for 24-dot graphics.

10 WIDTH "LPT1:",255

20 LPRINT CHR$(27) "*" CHR$(39) CHR$(42) CHR$(0); 30 FOR X=1 TO 126





80 DATA 0,0,63,0,0,127,0,0,255,0,3,255,0,3,255,0,15,255,0,31,255

90DATA 0,127,255,0,255,255,1,255,255,3,255,255,7,255,255, 15,255,255

100DATA 31,255,254,31,255,252,31,255,248,31,255,240,31,2 55,224,31,255,192

110DATA 31,255,0,31,252,0,31,240,0,31,224,0,31,1283,0,31,2


120DATA 31,255,192,28,255,224,28,127,240,28,15,248,30,O, 252,31,0,126

130DATA 15,128,15,7,192,7,3,24O,7,l,254,7,O,255,7,O,l27,l

140DATA O,31,199,O,7,231,0,1,247,O,O,255,O,0,127,O,O,63

In this program, line 20 assigns the graphics option (24-dot triple-density) with ASCII decimal 39. ASCII decimal 42 sets the number of nozzle columns at 42. Lines SO-140 contain 126 bytes of data (42 nozzle columnsX3 bytes for each nozzle column). Lines 30-60 contain the subroutine to print the design.

The resulting design will be approximately the same size as the original line design, but the dots will be printed much closer together. And this is how the new design looks:

The shape is just about the same, but the density is much greater. This design requires 126 bytes of graphics data instead of the 14 bytes that were required using the B-dot graphics option.

Notice that the dots overlap quite a bit. This design was printed using the triple-density 24-dot graphics option because the density is the same (180 dots to the inch) in both directions. Therefore, when you turned each dot of B-dot graphics into nine dots of 24-dot graphics, the shape of the design remained approximately the same.