DNS Server 1: The primary DNS server provided by ISP will be displayed.
DNS Server 2: The secondary DNS server provided by ISP will be displayed.
Click button to stop mobile connection.
Click button to start mobile connection.
Click button to return to the previous level of menu.
4.7.3 Email Settings
Figure 4-33 Network Menu – Email Settings
SMTP Server: Assign the SMTP
NOTE: For more reliable email service, use the server’s IP address.
SMTP Port: Assign the port number used by the SMTP server.
Authentication: Check this box if the SMTP server requires authentication (user name / password).
SSL: Check the box if mail server needs communication to be encrypted by SSL.
User name: Input the login user name if the SMTP server requires authentication.
Password: Input the password if the SMTP server requires authentication.
Email Subject: Input Email subject.
Sender Email: Input the
Receiver Email 1: Input the first
Receiver Email 2: Input the second
Receiver Email 3: Input the third
Click button to return to the previous level of menu.