


If you have problems with the system, run through the following checklist to see if you can solve the problem.

￿The DVR will not go into record mode.

￿Bring up the DVR’s Menu and check under the Camera Menu. Verify that all connected cameras are checked as “Installed” and that Record Mode is set to “Continuous”.

￿Check the Disk or Information Menus and verify that the internal hard drive is being detected.

￿The DVR displays nothing on the main monitor.

￿Make sure the monitor is connected to BNC Main Monitor port.

￿Check that the monitor cables are good and power is on.

￿Verify the recorder is getting the correct supply power.

￿There is no display coming from one of the channels on the DVR.

￿In the DVR’s Camera Menu, make sure that all cameras are checked as “Installed” and unchecked for “Covert”.

￿If there is still no picture, switch ports or connect a working camera to the port that has no picture. If you get an image, the problem is coming from the camera or cable.

￿I cannot connect to the recorder via the internet.

￿Check that you can connect to the DVR on the LAN.

￿Check that the DVR has a static IP address and the port used by the DVR is forwarded correctly to that IP address in the router.

￿Verify that your Internet Service Provider does not block the IP port being used

￿Make sure you are using the correct WAN IP address given by the ISP, or, if you have a Dynamic IP, check if the IP address has changed; use DDNS to avoid problems caused by changing ISP addresses.


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EverFocus EMV200 user manual Troubleshooting