112 Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
Access Policies
The maximum number of access list allowed by the hardware is 254 for each block of eight 10/100
Ethernet ports and 126 for each Gigabit Ethernet port, for a total of 1014 rules (254*3+126*2). Most user
entered access list commands will require multiple rules on the hardware. For example, a global rule (an
access control list using an access mask without “ports” defined), will require 5 rules, one for each of
the 5 blocks of ports on the hardware.
The maximum number of rate-limiting rules allowed is 315 (63*5). This number is part of the total
access control list rules (1014).
Deleting Access Mask, Access List, and Rate Limit Entries
Entries can be deleted from access masks, access lists, and rate limits. An access mask entry cannot be
deleted until all the access lists and rate limits that reference it are also deleted.
To delete an access mask entry, use the following command:
delete access-mask <name>
To delete an access list entry, use the following command:
delete access-list <name>
To delete a rate limit entry, use the following command:
delete rate-limit <name>
Verifying Access Control List Configurations
To verify access control list settings, you can view the access list configuration.
To view the access list configuration use the following command:
show access-list {name | ports <portlist>}
To view the rate limit configuration use the following command:
show rate-limit {name | ports <portlist>}
To view the access mask configuration use the following command:
show access-mask {name}
Access Control List Commands
Table39 describes the commands used to configure access control lists.