Relative Route Priorities
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 157
Relative Route PrioritiesTable55 lists the relative priorities assigned to routes depending upon the learned source of the route.
Although these priorities can be changed, do not attempt any manipulation unl ess you are expertly
familiar with the possible consequences.
To change the relative route priority, use the following command:
config iproute priority [ bootp | icmp | static ] <priority>
Configuring IP Unicast RoutingThis section describes the commands associated with configuring IP unicast routing on the switch. To
configure routing, follow these steps:
1Create and configure two or more VLANs.
2Assign each VLAN that will be using routing an IP address using the following command:
config vlan <name> ipaddress <ipaddress> {<mask>}
Ensure that each VLAN has a unique IP address.
3Configure a default route using the following command:
config iproute add default <gateway> {<metric>}
Default routes are used when the router has no other dynamic or static route to the requested
4Turn on IP routing for one or all VLANs using the following command:
enable ipforwarding {vlan <name>}
Table 5 5: Relative Route Priorities
Route Origin Priority
Direct 10
BlackHole 50
Static 1100
ICMP 1200
BOOTP 5000