Configuring Power Over Ethernet
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 99
enable inline-power ports <portlist>
disable inline-power ports <portlist>
Enables PoE for the listed ports.
Disables PoE for the listed ports.
config inline-power usage-threshold <threshold> Sets the threshold for initiation of an alarm
should the measured power exceed the
threshold. At present, this alarm threshold
is shared between the system level
utilization and the allocated power budget
per slot. If either level goes above the
threshold level an alarm will be set.
clear inline-power connection-history slot <slot_number> Clear the port connection history for the
specified slot.
config inline-power budget <watts> slot <slot_number> Configures amount of power available for
inline-power on the slot. Reducing the
amount of power available requires the
slot to be disabled first.
unconfig inline-power usage-threshol d Resets the threshold back to the default.
config inline-power label <string> ports <portlist> Provides a user-controllable label to the
power port.
config inline-power operator-limit <milliwatts> ports <portlist> Sets the power limit on the specified
port(s) to either the default value or the
specified watts. Range is 3000-20000 mW.
Default value is 15400 mW minimum
according to IEEE 802.3af. This command
is used in conjunction with the violation
precedence and has no affect if either
none or advertised-class is selected for
violation precedence.
config inline-power disconnect-precedence [lowest-priority | deny-port] Controls the disconnect function of power
management. When the power drain
exceeds the available power budget, due
to a rise in power consumption after power
is allocated to the ports, the PoE controller
disconnects one of the ports to prevent
overload on the power supply. There are
two controls:
•lowest-priority—next port
connected causes a shutdown of the
lowest priority port.
•deny-port—next port is denied
power, regardless of priority.
•The default is deny-port.
Table 3 6: Power Over Ethernet Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description