98 Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
Power Over Ethernet
Ports are powered based upon their priority and discovery time. Higher priority ports with the oldest
discovery time are powered first.
If a device consumes more power than it is allocated by class type, it is considered a class violation. The
device enters a fault state, and unreserved power is returned to the common pool. Power is also
returned to the common pool if a port is disconnected. The device stays in the fault state until you
explicitly clear the fault, disable the port for power, or disconnect the device.
Per- Po r t L ED sThe per-port LEDs indicate link and power status for PoE usage, as indicated in Table35:
Wait for the LED to extinguish before reconnecting to the port.
Configuring Power Over EthernetUse the inline power commands in Table36 to co nfigure PoE on Summit 300-4 8 switch ports.
Configuration parameters affecting operational parameters require the port or slot to be f irst disabled.
Table 3 5: Per-Port LEDs
Port Disabled Link Up Link Down Activity
device off solid green off blinking green
Device powered blinking amber solid amber amber/green blinking amber
Power Fault amber/green amber/green amber/green amber/green
Table 3 6: Power Over Ethernet Configuration Commands
Command Description
enable inline-power
disable inline-power
enable inline-power slot <slotid>
disable inline-power slot <slotid>
Enables/disables PoE on the switch.
Controls whether inline power will be
provided to the system. Setting the value
to disable will shutdown power currently
provided on all ports on all slots. Default i s
Enables/disables PoE support for the
power supply in the indicated slot. Controls
whether inline power will be provided to a
specific slot. In order for any of the ports
to be powered, The system must be
enabled for power, the slot must be
enabled for power, and the ports must be
enabled for power. Default is enable.