Port Stat i st i c s
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 135
Por t S t a t is t i csExtremeWare provides a facility for viewing port statistic information. The summary information lists
values for the current counter against each port on each operational module in the system, and it is
refreshed approximately every 2 seconds. Values are displayed to nine digits of accuracy.
To view port statistics, use the following command:
show ports <portlist> stats
The following port statistic information is collected by the switch:
• Link Status — The current status of the link. Options are:
—Ready (the port is ready to accept a link).
—Active (the link is present at this port).
—Chassis (the link is connected to a Summit Virtual Chassis).
• Transmitted Packet Count (Tx Pkt Count) — The number of packets that have been successfully
transmitted by the port.
• Transmitted Byte Count (Tx Byte Count) — The total number of data bytes successfully transmitted
by the port.
• Received Packet Count (Rx Pkt Count) — The total number of good packets that have been received
by the port.
show tech-support Displays the output for the following commands:
•show version
•show switch
•show config
•show diag
•show gdb
•show iparp
•show ipfdb
•show ipstats
•show iproute
•show ipmc cache detail
•show igmp snooping detail
•show memory detail
•show log
It also displays the output from internal debug
commands. This command disables the CLI paging
show version Displays the hardware and software versions currently
running on the switch.
Table 4 7: Status Monitoring Commands (continued)
Command Description