Boot Option Commands
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 181
Boot Option CommandsTable64 lists the CLI commands asso ciated with switch boot opti ons.
Table 6 4: Boot Option Commands
Command Description
config download server [primary | secondary]
[<hostname> | <ipaddress>] <filename> Configures the TFTP server(s) used by a
scheduled incremental configuration download.
download bootrom [<hostname> | <ipaddress>]
<filename> [bootstrap | diagnostics |
primary_bootloader | secondary_bootloader]
Downloads a BOOT ROM image from a TFTP
server. The downloaded image replaces the
BOOT ROM in the onboard FLASH memory.
If this command does not complete
successfully, it could prevent the switch
from booting.
download configuration [<hostname> |
<ipaddress>] <filename> {incremental} Downloads a complete configuration. Use the
incremental keyword to specify an
incremental configuration download.
download configuration cancel Cancels a previously scheduled configuration
download configuration every <hour> Schedules a configuration download. Specify
the hour using a 24-hour clock, where the
range is 0 to 23.
download image [<ipaddress> | <hostname>]
<filename> {primary | secondary} Downloads a new image from a TFTP server
over the network. If no parameters are
specified, the image is saved to the current
reboot {time <date> <time> | cancel} Reboots the switch at the date and time
specified. If you do not specify a reboot time,
the reboot happens immediately following the
command, and any previously scheduled
reboots are cancelled. To cancel a previously
scheduled reboot, use the cancel option.
save {configuration} {primary | secondary} Saves the current configuration to nonvolatile
storage. You can specify the primary or
secondary configuration area. If not speci fied,
the configuration is saved to the primary
configuration area.
show configuration Displays the current configuration to the
terminal. You can then capture the output and
store it as a file.
upload configuration [<ipaddress> |
<hostname>] <filename> {every <time>} Uploads the current run-time configuration to
the specified TFTP server. If every <time>
is specified, the switch automatically saves the
configuration to the server once per day, at the
specified time. If the time option is not
specified, the current configuration is
immediately uploaded.
upload configuration cancel Cancels a previously schedule configuration