Upgrading and Accessing BootROM
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 179
To display scheduled download information, use the following command:
show switch
To cancel scheduled incremental downloads, use the following command:
download configuration cancel
Remember to Save
Regardless of which download option is used, configurations are downloaded into switch runtime
memory, only. The configuration is saved only when the save command is issued, or if the
configuration file, itself, contains the save command.
If the configuration currently running in the switch does not match the configuration that the switch
used when it originally booted, an asterisk (*) appears before the command line prompt when using the
Upgrading and Accessing BootROMThe Summit 300-48 switch has a two-stage BootROM. The first stage, called bootstrap, does basic
initialization of the switch processor and will load one of two second-stage bootloaders (called primary
and secondary).
In the event the switch does not boot properly, both bootstrap and bootloader will allow the user to
access the boot options using the CLI.
If necessary, the bootloader can be updated, after the switch has booted, using TFTP.
Upgrading Bootloader
Upgrading Bootloader is done using TFTP (from the CLI), after the switch has booted. Upgrade the
BootROM only when asked to do so by an Extreme Networks technical representative. To upgrade the
BootROM, use the following command:
download bootrom [<hostname> | <ipaddress>] <filename>] [ bootstrap | diagnostics |
primary_bootloader | secondary_bootloader]
Accessing the Bootstrap CLI
The Bootstrap CLI contains commands to support the selection of which bootloader to use.
To access the Bootstrap CLI, follow these steps:
1Attach a serial cable to the serial console port of the switch.
2Attach the other end of the serial cable to a properly configured terminal or terminal emulator.
3Power cycle or reboot the switch.
4As soon as you see the Bootstrap Banner, press the spacebar.
The BOOTSTRAP> prompt will appear on the screen.
Table64 lists the Bootstrap commands.