114 Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
Access Policies
create access-mask <access-mask name>
{vlan }
{tos | code-point}
{dest-ip /<mask length>} {dest-L4port}
{source-ip /<mask length>}
{source-L4port | {icmp-type} {icmp-code}}
{precedence <number>}
Creates an access mask. The mask specifes
which packet fields to examine. Options include:
<acess-mask name> — Specifies the
access mask name. The access mask name
can be between 1 and 31 characters.
dest-mac — Specifies the destination MAC
address field.
source-mac — Specifies the source MAC
address field.
vlan — Specifies the VLANid field.
ethertype — Specifies the Ethertype field.
tos — Specifies the IP precedence field.
code-point — Specifies the Diff Serv code
point field.
ipprotocol — Specifies the IP protocol
dest-ip — Specifies the IP destination field
and subnet mask. You must supply the
subnet mask.
dest-L4port — Specifies the destination
port field.
source-ip — Specifies the IP source
address field and subnet mask. You must
supply the subnet mask.
source-L4port — Specifies the source
port field.
icmp-type — Specify the ICMP type field.
icmp-code — Specify the ICMP code field.
permit-established — Specifies the TCP
SYN/ACK bit fields.
egressport — Specify the egress port
ports — Specifies the ingress port(s) on
which this rule is applied.
precedence — Specifies the access mask
precedence number. The range is 1 to
Table 3 9: Access Control List Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description