Displaying VLAN Settings
Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide 71

VLAN Configuration Examples

The following Summit 300-48 switch example creates a tag-based VLAN named video. It assigns the
VLANid 1000. Ports 1:4 through 1:8 are added as tagged ports to the VLAN.
create vlan video
config video tag 1000
config video add port 1:4-1:8 tagged
The following Summit 300-48 switch example creates a VLAN named sales, with the VLANid 120. The
VLAN uses both tagged and untagged ports. Ports 1:1 through 1:3 are tagged, and ports 1:4 and 1:7 are
untagged. Note that when not explicitly specified, ports are added as untagged.
create vlan sales
config sales tag 120
config sales add port 1:1-1:3 tagged
config sales add port 1:4,1:7
Displaying VLAN Settings
To display VLAN settings, use the following command:
show vlan {<name>} {detail}
The show command displays summary information about each VLAN, which includes:
How the VLAN was created
IP address
STPD information
QoS profile information
Ports assigned
Tagged/untagged status for each port
How the ports were added to the VLAN
Number of VLANs configured on the switch
Use the detail option to display the detailed format.
delete vlan <name> Removes a VLAN.
unconfig ports <portlist> monitor vlan <name> Removes port-based VLAN monitoring.
unconfig vlan <name> ipaddress Resets the IP address of the VLAN.
Table 1 8: VLAN Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description