76 Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
Wireless Networking
7Configure a specific channel (determined from a site survey), if desired, on each interface. If you do
not configure a specific channel, the switch auto-selects the channel with the least interference.
8Connect the Altitude 300 wireless port.
After this process is complete, clients can access your network through the Altitude 300 wireless port.
Configuring RF Properties RF profiles allow you to group RF parameters for access using a single CLI command. The following
rules apply for RF profiles:
•After you have defined a profile, subsequent changes automatically apply to all ports assigned to
that profile.
•Each RF profile applies to a specific interface (A or G), so changing a profile only affects the
specified interface.
•Each RF profile applies only to ports that support the same version of the Altitude 300 wireless port,
thereby preventing problems with version/capability mismatches.
•Each Summit 300-48 switch ships with default profiles for each supported wireless port.
Table 1 9: RF Configuration Commands
Command Description
create rf-profile <name> copy <name> Creates a new profile identified by the string name.
The copy argument specifies the name of an
existing profile from which to obtain the initial
create rf-profile <name> mode [A | G] Creates a new profile identified by the string name.
The mode argument specifies the interface mode A
or G.
delete rf-profile <name> Deletes the named RF profile. The named profile
cannot be attached to any active ports.
config rf-profile <name> <property> < value> Sets the value of the property in the named profile
to the specified value. Changes take effect
immediately and are propagated to all ports that
share this profile. All failures are written to the
syslog. See Table 20 for <property> values.
Table 2 0: RF Profile Property Values
Property Default Allowed Values Description
ess-name default_ESS 1-32 characters Identified as a character string. Default values are
per-channel (A | G); string names reflect this.
beacon-interval 40 20-1000 Indicates the frequency interval of the beacon in
milliseconds. A beacon is a packet broadcasted by
the wireless port to synchronize the wireless network.