192 - Index Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
primary image 175
privacy 85
private community, SNMP 41
protocol analyzers, use with port-mirroring 60
proxy ARP
communicating with devices outside subnet 156
conditions 156
configuring 156
MAC address in response 156
responding to req ues ts 156
subnets 156
table, displaying 163
proxy ARP, description 156
public community, SNMP 41
802.1p configuration commands (table) 127
802.1p priority 126
applications 122
blackhole 125
configuration commands (table) 123
database applications 122
description 18, 121
DiffServ, configuring 128
MAC address 125
source port 130
VLAN 130
FDB entry association 104
file server applications 123
IP TOS configuration commands (table) 128
traffic groupings 124
access list 124
blackhole 125
explicit packet marking 126
MAC address 125
source port 130
VLAN 130
traffic groupings (table) 124
verifying 132
video applications 122
voice applications 122
web browsing applications 123
QoS monitor
description 131
real-time display 131
Quality of Servce. See QoS 121
client configuration 43
configuation commands (table) 43
description 43
Merit server configuration (example) 44
per-command configuration (example) 45
RFC 2138 attributes 44
servers 43
TCP port 43
RADIUS attributes
wireless 88
rate limits
adding 111
deleting 112
rate-limiting 132
receive errors 136
remote logging 139
Remote Monitoring. See RMON
renaming a VLAN 70
reserved power 96
reset to factory defaults 176
responding to AR P req ue sts 156
RF configuration commands 76
RF properties 76
RF property values 76
alarm actions 144
Alarms group 143
Events group 143
features supported 142
History group 143
probe 142
Statistics group 142
route sharing. See IP route sharing
router interfaces 154
routing table, populating 154
routing. See IP unicast routing
RSN support 86
Ssafety information 169
saving changes using ExtremeWare Vista 50
saving configuration changes 176
scheduling configuration download 178
screen resolution, ExtremeWare Vista 48
secondary image 175
security 83
security capabilities 83
security commands 89
security licensing
description 20
obtaining 20
security policies 87
and RADIUS support 88
security policy design 87
security policy examples 88
sessions, deleting 38
shortcuts, command 24
Simple Network Management Protocol. See SNMP
community strings 41
configuration commands (table) 41
configuring 41
settings, displaying 42
supported MIBs 41
system contact 41
system location 41
system name 41
trap receivers 41
using 40
configuration commands (table) 54
configuring 51
Daylight Savings Time 51
description 51
example 54
Greenwich Mean Time offset 51