190 - Index Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
downloading 178
downloading complete 178
downloading incremental 178
logging 140
primary and secondary 176
saving changes 176
schedule download 178
uploading to file 177
wireless ports 79
configuring PoE 98
console connection 36
controlling Telnet access 39
notice icons, About This Guide 15
text, About This Guide 16
access lists 111
access masks 111
rate limits 111
Ddatabase applications, and QoS 122
passwords 30
settings 20
users 29
default STP domain 146
default VLAN 69
access list 112
access masks 112
rate limit 112
deleting a session 38
DHCP and UDP-Forwarding 165
DHCP relay, configuring 164
DiffServ, configuring 128
disabling a switch port 55
disconnecting a Telnet session 38
configuration commands (table) 31
description 31
Domain Name Service. See DNS
domains, Spanning Tree Protocol 145
downloading incremental configuration 178
dynamic entries, FDB 103
EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security) 85
EAP-TTLS (Tunneled TLS) 85
commands (table) 61
description 61
enabling a switch port 55
errors, port 136
establishing a Telnet session 36
Events, RMON 143
export restrictions 20
Extreme Discovery Protocol See EDP
factory defaults 20
features 17
ExtremeWare Vista
accessing 48
browser controls 49
browser setup 47
capturing screen output 51
controlling access 47
fonts 48
home page 47, 48
navigating 48
saving changes 50
screen layout 48
screen resolution 48
status messages 50
VLAN configuration 47
adding an entry 104
aging entries 103
blackhole entries 104
configuration commands (table) 105
configuring 105
contents 103
creating a permanent entry example 106
displaying 106
dynamic entries 103
entries 103
non-aging entries 103
permanent entries 103
QoS profile association 104
feature licensing
description 19
file server applications, and QoS 123
fonts, browser 48
Forwarding Database. See FDB
GGreenwich Mean Time Offsets (table) 52
HHistory, RMON 143
home page 47, 48
IICMP configuration commands (table) 160
IEEE 802.1Q 66
downloading 175
primary and secondary 175
upgrading 175
interfaces, router 154
IP address, entering 37
IP route sharing 155
IP TOS configuration commands (table) 128
IP unicast routing
basic IP commands (table) 158
BOOTP relay 164
configuration examples 162
configuring 157
default gateway 153