28 Summit 300-48 Switch Software User Guide
Accessing the Switch
Configuring Management Access

ExtremeWare supports the following two levels of management:



In addition to the management levels, you can optionally use an external RADIUS server to provide CLI

command authorization checking for each command. For more information on RADIUS, see “RADIUS

Client” in Chapter 3, “Mana ging the Switch”.

disable ssh2 Disables SSH2 access to the switch.
disable telnet Disables Telnet access to the switch.
enable bootp vlan [<name> | all] Enables BOOTP for one or more VLANs.
enable cli-config-logging Enables the logging of CLI configuration
commands to the Syslog for auditing
purposes. The default setting is enabl ed.
enable clipaging Enables pausing of the screen display
when show command output reaches the
end of the page. The default setting is
enable idletimeouts Enables a timer that disconnects all
sessions (both Telnet and console) after
20 minutes of inactivity. The default setting
is disabled.
enable ssh2 access-profile [<name> | none] {port
<tcp_port_number>} Enables SSH2 sessions. By default, SSH2
uses TCP port number 22.
enable telnet access-profile [<name> | none] {port
<tcp_port_number>} Enables Telnet access to the switch. By
default, Telnet uses TCP port number 23 .
history Displays the previous 49 commands
entered on the switch.
show banner Displays the user-configured banner.
unconfig switch {all} Resets all switch parameters (with the
exception of defined user accounts, and
date and time information) to the factory
defaults. If you specify the keyword all,
the switch erases the currently selected
configuration image in flash memory and
reboots. As a result, all parameters are
reset to default settings.

Table 6 : Co mmon Commands (continue d)

Command Description