Basic 4700 Series Configuration
If initially connecting to the access point through the LAN port:
aThe LAN (or GE1/POE) port default is set to DHCP. Ensure the access point’s GE1/POE port can obtain its IP address from a DHCP server. The access point should receive its IP address automatically.
bTo view the IP address, connect one end of a null modem serial cable to the access point and the other end to the serial port of a computer running HyperTerminal or similar emulation program.
cConfigure the following settings:
■Baud Rate - 19200
■Data Bits - 8
■Stop Bits - 1
■No Parity
■No Flow Control
dPress <ESC> or <Enter> to access the access point CLI.
eLog into the CLI using admin as the default User ID and admin123 as the default password. As this is the first time you are logging into the access point, you are prompted to enter a new password and set the county code.
fAt the CLI prompt (admin>), type “summary”. The access point’s LAN IP address will display.
gUsing a Web browser, use the access point’s IP address to access the access point.
32 | Altitude 4700 Series Access Point Installation Guide |