Extron electronic manual Matrix 12800 Switchers Virtualization/Control Software

Models: 12800

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5. If you have not virtualized the system represented by your startup file, the Virtual Configuration screen appears (figure 3-5). This screen shows how the software has mapped the physical system into a virtual system. There are several variables that you can change on this screen that affect the number of virtual planes and inputs and outputs that are available and how they are presented. See step 5 in “Creating a virtual I/O switching system (map)”.

When you are satisfied with the virtual map, click the Take button to make any changes take affect, exit the Virtual Configuration screen, and display the main screen (figure 3-2).

After you have selected the Emulate mode and taken the virtual map, the software displays all of the current settings, such as the ties, presets, icons, and the virtual map in the program window (figure 3-2).

Once you have started the Virtualization/Control program in emulation mode, the software operates exactly as if the PC is connected to a Matrix 12800 system, except that any changes that you make are saved to the destination file rather than issued to the switcher.

A typical emulation operation might consist of multiple editing sessions:

Session A, connected to a Matrix 12800 system — Use this session to create a virtual map of the system (rather than creating a virtual map in emulation mode in step 5, above).

Session B, in emulation mode — If you virtualized the system in session A, above, open Mtrx6400.ini as the source file in step 2, above, to edit the configuration of the switcher established in session A.

OR —

If you created an emulated virtual map in step 5, above, open the destination file from step 3 of that emulation session as the source file in step 2, above.

Specify a job-specific destination file in step 3.

Session C (and subsequent sessions), in emulation mode — Open the job- specific destination file you specified in session B, above, as the source file in step 2, above, for each subsequent emulation mode editing session.

Specify the same job-specific file as destination file in step 3, above, as the one you opened as the source file.

Session D, connected to a Matrix 12800 system — Restore the configuration from the destination file that you specified in Session C to program the Matrix 12800 system from the emulation.

If you have edited any of the configurations or assigned icons or names, when you exit the program, the program prompts you to save the changes. These changes, if saved, are written to the file Mtrx12800.ini for use in your next editing session. The information in the file also allows you to fully restore a Matrix 12800 system to all of the settings from the current session.

Matrix 12800 Switchers • Virtualization/Control Software 3-19

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Extron electronic manual Matrix 12800 Switchers Virtualization/Control Software