Extron electronic manual Remote controlling the Matrix 12800 sysstem

Models: 12800

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Virtualization/Control Software, cont’d

Remote controlling the Matrix 12800 sysstem

BME 0 saves the settings in non-volatile memory, so once the system is virtualized, there is no requirement to ever run the Virtualization/Control program again. However, the Matrix 12800 can be remotely operated from a PC, running the Virtualization/Control software, connected to either of the RS-232/RS-422 ports or the Ethernet port on BME 0. Use the Virtualization/Control software to control the matrix as follows:


Ensure that all BMEs that are part of the system have been connected to each


other and their BME numbers have been set correctly. Ensure that the system


has been virtualized before creating any rooms (see “Creating a virtual I/O


switching system (map)” in this chapter).


On the PC, click Start > Programs > Extron Electronics > Matrix 12800


Control Program to start the program. Select the appropriate PC Comm port


or the Ethernet port or to select Emulate mode (figure 3-1).

After you select the Comm port or the Ethernet port and click OK, the software looks for the Matrix system and reads its hardware configuration, the type and size of each BME. The software then reads all of the current settings, such as the ties, presets, and virtual map, and displays a graphical representation of the ties in the program window (figure 3-2). The program also reads the appropriate .ini file (saved from the last session) to draw any icons assigned to each I/O.

NIf this is a new system that has not been virtualized yet or one that has had its map cleared, the graphical representation and all information shown on the Virtual Map screen are invalid at this point.

If you clicked Emulate to create a program for a system in advance without being connected to it, you need to define the number and type (video, sync, or audio) of BMEs, the number of inputs, and the number of outputs for the Matrix 12800 system you are emulating. See “Programming the matrix offline (emulate mode)” in this chapter.

The main screen shows the current switcher configuration.

3.As desired, create ties, work with presets, or assign icons. See “Ties”, “Presets”, or “Icons and captions” on the following pages.

4.When you are ready to exit the program, click File > Exit.

If you have edited any of the configurations or assigned names or icons to the virtual inputs and outputs, the program prompts you to save changes before closing. Changes are written to the file Mtrx12800.ini, unless you specify a different file. This file allows you to completely restore all of the information that you have created in the current session.

3-14 Matrix 12800 Switchers • Virtualization/Control Software

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Extron electronic manual Remote controlling the Matrix 12800 sysstem