Extron electronic 12800 manual Email Settings, Mail IP Addresss field, User Name field

Models: 12800

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Email Settings page

The Email Settings page (figure 5-7) can be reached by clicking on the Email Settings link on the system configuration page. The Email Settings page has fields for entering all of the information needed to set up the e-mail notification capabilities of the switcher. After editing any of the settings on this page, click the Submit button.

Select System



Figure 5-7 — Email Settings page

Mail IP Addresss field

The Mail IP Address field displays the IP address of the mail server that handles the e-mail for the facility in which the Matrix 12800 is installed.

Valid IP addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric subfields separated by dots (periods). Each field can be numbered from 000 through 255. Leading zeroes, up to 3 digits total per field, are optional. Values of 256 and above are invalid.

User Name field

The mail server User Name field displays the domain name of the Matrix 12800 e-mail server (such as folklore.net in the examples throughout this chapter). Standard domain conventions (xxx.com) apply.

NThe following characters are invalid or not recommended in a domain name: {space} ~ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : \ and ?. The @ character is only acceptable as the lead-in to the domain name (such as @folklore.net).

Passsword field

The mail server Password field and re-enter password field display and confirm the password that the Matrix 12800 uses to log on to the e-mail server. Passwords are case sensitive and are limited to 12 upper case and lower case alphanumeric characters. Characters in these fields are masked by asterisks (*****).

Matrix 12800 Switchers • Web Operations


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Extron electronic 12800 manual Email Settings, Mail IP Addresss field, User Name field, Passsword field