Fisher & Paykel MR700, MR720, MR730, MR480 technical manual EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, A5.1

Models: MR700 MR480 MR720 MR730

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Errors EP2 to EP4 can be caused for example by abnormal high differential temperatures on the two thermistors or by


rapidly changing input temperatures.



Hardware fault; Q13 short not effective.



Low probe temperature (~0 °C).



High probe temperature (~70 °C).



Partial short between the active probe cable conductors.






1 byte


: (semi colon) Marks beginning of data record.


4 bytes ASCII

Temperature Control setting.


4 bytes ASCII

Airway temperature.


4 bytes ASCII

Chamber temperature.


4 bytes ASCII

Heaterplate temperature.


4 bytes ASCII

Heater wire duty cycle.


4 bytes ASCII

Heaterplate duty cycle.


4 bytes ASCII

Chamber Control setting .


4 bytes *


Status information. (1*ASCII 3*binary bytes).


2 bytes


CR, LF (Marks end of data record).

Between each of the above lines there is approximately a 50 ms pause before the next line is transmitted. The complete data record is repeated every 500 to 600 ms (500 ms on a 60 Hz supply, 600 ms with 50 Hz).

Data format is RS232 levels, no handshaking, 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, with one stop bit.

Between the semi colon and the line feed there are eight, 4-byte packets of information as shown above.

In each case the first byte of the packet contains an identification letter from ‘a’ through ‘h’ in ASCII.

The format of the 3 bytes following the ASCII I.D. is as shown below.

I.D. a - SET temperature.

I.D. b - Airway temperature.

I.D. c - Chamber temperature.

Range 5.0 to 80.0 °C, decimal point is assumed between 1st and 2nd digits.

I.D. d - Heaterplate temperature.

Range 14.0 to 99.9 °C decimal point assumed, 100 to 135°C no decimal point.

I.D. e - Heater Wire duty cycle.

I.D. f - Heaterplate duty cycle.

Range 0 to 100 %.

I.D. g - Chamber Control Setting.

Range -5.0 to +2.0 decimal point assumed. Plus or minus sign in leading ASCII byte.

I.D. h - Status information.


The ASCII I.D. is followed by three binary bytes giving alarms and error information, see list below:

Ref. 185040646 MR730/720/700/480 Technical Manual ¯ Revision F ¯ Issued March 2001

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Fisher & Paykel MR700, MR720, MR730, MR480 technical manual EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, A5.1