4.4 Connect the Probe
The PRTor thermistor probe connects to the top of the 1522 using Hart’s
uniqueINFO-CON probe connector. The probe connector is inserted into the
top of theinstrument with the ridged to the back and fits snugly and locked into
place when it is fully inserted.
The INFO-CON probe connector includes a memory devicethat stores the
unique characteristics of the probe,allowing the 1522 to measure tempera-
ture accurately.If your probe was purchased from Hart for use with the 1522, it
should alreadyh avethe connector attached and properly programmed. You can
use your ownprobe with the 1522, but you must attach it to an INFO-CON
connector.See Section 6.6 for more information on the INFO-CON connector
and instructionson properly attaching the probe to the connector.
4.5 Connect the Power Source
The 1522 drawspower either from a DC power supply (the included AC
adapter) connected to theDC input or from the internal rechargeable battery
pack. Touse the AC adapter, plug it into a wall outlet of the appropriate voltage
and insert theDC plug into the DC power input of the 1522 (see Figure 2.) The
battery pack must firstbe fully charged prior to using the AC adapter (see Sec-
tion 6.1).
4.6 Switch the Power On
Poweris switch ed on and off with the powerbutton located b elowand to the
leftof the display. To switch the power on, hold the powerbutton down for at
leastthree seconds and release. (To switch power off, momentarily press the
powerbutton again.) The instrument takes a few seconds to power up, initialize
itself, and begin normal operation. During initialization the lower line of the
displayshows the manufacturer, model number, firmware version, and the state
of battery chargeor the message “External power” if the AC adapter is at-
tached. If the thermometerreadout or probe calibration have expired, the mes-
sages “Prb cal expired”or “Mtr cal expired” are displayed. The 1522 reads
importantinformation about the attached probe from the INFO-CON connector
that is used to calculatetemperature.
The 1522 then performs amemory check of critical parameters, such as the cal-
ibration parameters CAL1 and CAL2. During this check the lower line of the
display reads “Checking Memory”. If a“Memory Error” or “Memory Recover”
message is displayed, see Section 12.1, Troubleshooting,for additional infor-
mation and instructions.
4.7 Measure Temperature
After initialization the upper line of the display begins to showtemperature
measurements sensed by the probe. Place the probe into the objectwhere you
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide