The top and side of the 1522 feature theprobe connector, DC power input, se-
rial port, and infraredwindow.
ProbeConnector - At the top of the thermometer readout is the opening where
the probe connector isinserted. The probe must be connected using an
INFO-CON probe connector to measure temperature(see Section 6.6).
DC PowerInput - The AC adapter plugs into the DC power input to recharge
the battery and to power the instrument while the battery is being charged (see
Section 6.2).
Serial Port- The RS-232 serial port provides a means of connecting the 1522
to a computer or a printer using the includedserial cable (see Section 8). The
baud rate isfixed at 2400 baud, the linefeed is fixed to ON (all carriage returns
are followedby a linefeed, ASCII decimal 10), and the duplex is fixed to Half
disablingthe echo.
InfraredWindow - The infrared window has no functionality.
5 Parts and Controls
Top and Side View
DCPower Input Stand
SerialPort InfraredWindow
Figure2 Top and Side View