This sectionexplains the details of the operation of the 1522 with its compo-
nents and accessories.
6.1 Battery
The 1522 has abuilt-in nickel-metal-hydride battery pack that can power the
instrumentfor about 18 hours before needing to be recharged. The battery dis-
chargesmuch more quickly if the display backlight is used. The battery charge
remaining or themessage “External Power” is shownon the display when the
instrumentis switched on. The battery percentages are approximate and should
be used as generalguidelines when determining the length of charge remaining.
The battery is recharged in situ (whilein place) using the AC adapter.Plug the
ACadapter into an AC socket of the appropriate voltage as noted on the AC
adapter(normally 115V, optionally 230V). Connect the DC plug of the adapter
into theDC input of the 1522 located on the right side. The battery charges as
necessary whether or not the instrument is switched on. The powercontrol cir-
cuit inside the instrument manages battery charging and stops charging the bat-
6 General Operation
Figure5 Battery Installation