button stores the selection. If the MODE button or CLR button is pressed with-
out pressing ENT the unitremains unchanged. Once the unit is selected, subse-
quent measurements willappear in that unit. After the Min/Max and Delta(x)
modes are initiated, their values are automatically convertedwhen changing
unitsbetween °C, K, °F, or R. Changing units from Ωto any temperature unit
or visa versa, reinitializes the Min/Max and Delta(x) modes. Any previously
Min/Maxa nd Delta(x) valuesare lost.
Note: When measuring in units of ohms, makesure that the appropriate probe
type has been selected in the Cal Modemenu. For example, to measure a resis-
tor between 0 and400 ohms, set the units to ohms and select the appropriate
probe typesuch as "CVD". To measure a resistor between 400 and 500K ohms,
set theunits to ohms and select the appropriate probe type such as "THERM".
7.7 RateThis modeis identified by “Rate: 00000" that appears on the display.
This mode allows you to set the samples that are transmitted from the serial
port. The samplefor a 2-wire and a 4-wire probe is approximately one second
and for a 3-wire probe is approximatelytwo seconds. For example, if the rate is
set to 2, everyother sample is sent to the serial interface. A value of 0 disables
transmission. The Up and Downbuttons are used to increase or decrease the
valuefor the underlined digit. The ENT button moves to the next digit. If the
ENT buttonis pushed when the last digit is underlined, the setting is stored. If
the MODE button or CLR buttonis pressed, the valueremains unchanged.
Once the value is set measurements will be transmitted from the serial port at
the giveninterval.
7.8 ResolutionThis mode isidentified by “Resol: XXX.XXX” that appears on the display.
This mode allowsy ou to set the resolution of measurements to one, two, or
three digitsafter the decimal point. The Up and Down buttonsareusedtoin
crease or decrease the resolution setting. The ENT button stores the setting. If
the MODE button or CLR button is pressed, the setting remains unchanged.
Once the resolution is set, measurements are displayed and transmitted from
the serialport at the given resolution, if possible. The resolution may be re-
duced if necessary for largevalues of temperature or resistance.
7.9 CAL MODEThe calibration menu contains functions for setting probe and instrument cali-
bration parameters. Press and hold theMODE button for three seconds to enter
the calibrationmenu. "CAL MODE" appears on the display. Press the ENT
buttonto advance.
7 Display Functions