ElectricFast Transit (EFT, Burst, IEC 61000-4-4). If the instrument is sub-
jected toEFT conditions at 2kV, the instrument may require the user to cycle
the powerto retu rn to normal operation. Emission Testing
The instrument fulfills the limit requirements for Class A equipment but does
not fulfillthe limit requirements for Class B equipment. The instrument was
not designedto be used in domestic establishments.
11.4.2 Low Voltage Directive (Safety)In order to complywith the European Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC),
Hart Scientificequipment has been designed to meet the IEC 1010-1 (EN
61010-1) and theIEC 1010-2-010 (EN 61010-2-010) standards.
11 Troubleshooting
CE Comments