Symbol Description
CanadianStandards Association
OVERVOLTAGE(Installation) CATEGORY II, PollutionDegree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-
fersto the level of Impulse Withstand Voltage protectionprovided. Equipment of
OVERVOLTAGECATEGORY II is energy-consuming equipment to be supplied from
thefixed installation. Examples include household, office, and laboratory appliances.
C-TICAustralian EMC Mark
TheEuropean Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) mark.
1.2 Safety InformationUse this instrument only as specified in this manual. Otherwise, the protection
providedby the instrument may be impaired.
The followingdefinitions apply to the terms “Warning” and “Caution”.
•“WARNING” identifies conditions and actions that may pose hazards to
the user.
•“CAUTION” identifies conditions and actions that may damage the in-
strument being used.
Toavoid personal injury, follow these guidelines.
•DO NOTuse this unit in environments other than those listed in the
User’s Guide.
•Follow all safety guidelines listed in the User’s Guide.
•Calibration equipment should only be used by trained personnel.
•This instrument can measure extreme temperatures. Precautions must be
taken to prevent personal injury or damage to objects. Probes may be ex-
tremely hot or cold. Cautiously handle probes to prevent personal injury.
Carefully place probes on a heat/cold resistant surface or rack until they
reach room temperature.
•The AC adapter can present safety concerns if misused or damaged. To
avoid the risk of electric shock or fire, do not use the AC adapter outdoors
or in a dusty, dirty, or wet environment. If the cord, case, or plug of the
adapter is damaged in any way, discontinue its use immediately and have
it replaced. Never disassemble the AC adapter. Use only the AC adapter
provided with the instrument or equivalent adapter recommended by the
manufacturer of this instrument.
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide