This functionclears the memory of all autologged data. Once the 1522 has
logged 10,000 readings,further automatic logging is prevented until the mem-
ory has been cleared. Pressing the CLR buttoncancels the “Clr Autolog?”
function andadvances to the next function. Pressing the ENT button also ad-
vancesto the next function.
7.4.2 Log RateThis functionconfigures the rate at which data is stored into the memory of the
1522. The followingrates are available: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 seconds, 2, 5, 10,
15, 30 or 60 minutes.Scroll through the rates using the Up or Downbuttons
until the desired rate is shown and then press the ENT button to select ther ate.
The 1522 advancesto the next function. Pressing the CLR button at any time
also advancesto the next function.
7.4.3 Autolog LabelA label isstored with each logged reading. Up to 25 labels should be
pre-loaded intothe unit through the serial port or the infrared dongle prior to
autologging.These labels can then be used to differentiate separate autologging
sessions. Thesame label is applied to every data point once autologging is initi-
ated. Tochange this label, autologging must be stopped and a new label se-
lected. When selecting labels, press the ENTbutton to store the disp layed label
or press the CLR button to revertto the previously selected label.
The labelscan be pre-loaded using Windows® HyperTerminal or other serial
communicationsprogram and the command LBnn=[nnnnnnnn] as described in
Section 8.2.1. Thelabels can also be pre-loaded using the serial port or the
2374 IR donglewith the 9934 LogWa re or 9935 LogWare II software available
by calling an Authorized Service Center (see Section 1.3 on page 4).
7.4.4 Autologged Data StorageThis functionstores values to the memory of the unit for future download. Each
reading is stored with units, date, time and label. Up to 10,000 readings can be
stored in memory.
The message "ENT to startlog" appears on the1522 display.Press the ENT
buttonto begin autologging. Press the CLR button to cancel and advance to the
After pressing the ENT button the1522 begins to log data automatically at the
rate specifiedin the Lo g Rate(see Section 7 .4.2) and with the label chosen in
Autolog Label(see Section 7.4.3). The 1522 display alternates between the
message "ENT tostop log" and "Logging NN% Full" where NN is a number
between 0 and 100 and showsthe percentage of memory that contains
autologged data.When data is being logged, all buttons are disabled except for
the ENT button.
7 Display Functions
Auto Logging