When editing any parameter,be sure to press the ENT button through the entire
lineof alphanumericcharacters to ensure that the edits are stored. Pressing any
button other than the ENT buttonadvances to the next function without storing
the newvalue.
If a probe parameter isedited, the new parameter value is uploaded into the
INFO-CON probe connector when the CALMode is exited by pressing the
MODE buttonor after scrolling through the menu and leaving the PDue pa-
rameter (see Section 7.9.16). The message "Uploading params" is displayed.
Afterthe parameters have been uploaded into the INFO-CON probe connector,
the meter advancesto the next menu item. Always check to ensure that the pa-
rameters havebeen written to the INFO-CON connector by disconnecting the
probe or by turningthe instrument off and on and then rechecking the
The calibrationmenu is entered by pressing and holding the MODE button for
three seconds. “CALMODE” appears on the display. Press the ENT button to
advance. Pressth eMO DE button while in the calibration menu to exit and to
advanceto the display mode that follows the display mode that was active be-
fore theCAL Mode was entered.
The functionscontained in the CAL Mode are listed below in the order they ap-
pear.In any of the functions, the ENT button stores the displayed value or se-
lection and advances to the nextf unction. The CLR button can be used to
cancel changes to a value or selection and to skip to the next function.
Use theENT button to move from Mtr Due to Prb Due and then to Time. Use
the CLR buttonto quickly advance through the remaining functions. Many of
the functionsare in the passcode protected part of the CAL Mode. You must
enter the correct passcode to access those functions (see Section 7.9.4).
Mtr Due - View the date the instrument is due for calibration
Prb Due - View the date the probe is due for calibration
Time- View and set the real-time clock time-of-day
Passcode- Enter the passcode to advance to the protected functions
Date - View and set the real-time clock date
Probe Lock - Lock or unlock operation of the unit with the current probe
Prb # - Set the probe serial number
Prb Type- Select the probe type and temperature calculation
R(.01) [ITS-90 only] - Sets the R(273.16K) probe coefficient
a[ITS-90 only] - Set the a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, or a11 probe coefficient
b[ITS-90 only] - Set the b5, b6, b7, b8, or b9 probe coefficient
c[ITS-90 only] - Set the c6, or c7 probe coefficient
d[ITS-90 only] - Set the d probe coefficient
a4 [ITS-90 only] - Set the a4 or a5 probe coefficient
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide