Press the ENT buttonto stop autologging and to advance to the next function.
7.4.5 Dump Data?
This functionallows the user to download the autologged data using the serial
port or printthe downloaded dats to a serial printer. To download using the se-
rialport, see Section 8 of thisguide before selecting “Yes” when prompted by
Dump Data.
The autologgeddata can also be downloaded using the 2374 IR dongle with the
9934 LogWare or 9935 LogWar e IIsoftware. The user must purchase the IR
dongleand the software from your Hart Scientific supplier. Using this software,
the autologgeddata can be downloaded in binary or ASCII format into a single
ASCII textfile or multip le ASCII textfiles based on th e labels. The approxi-
mate download times areas sp ecifiedin the following table:
DownloadMode DownloadTime
IRBinary 90seconds
IRASCII 22 minutes
Serial 22minutes
Timesapply for 10,000 readings
The LogWare software also provides a utility to view and change logging
7.5 Delta(x) ModeThis mode is identified by “Delta(x)” that temporarily appears on the display.
In this mode the deltabetween the measurement and a previously stored refer-
ence valueappears on the right side of the display. The reference value appears
on the left. The resolutionof thereference value may be changed using the
Resolution mode (see Section 7.8) if necessary.The ENT button sto res the
present measurement as the reference value.
Refer toSection 7.6 concerning how changing units affects Delta(x).
The message “Prb cal expired”,“Mtr cal expired”, “Recharge Needed”, or
“Probe is locked”may be displayed.
7.6 UnitsThis mode is identified by “Units: C/Ω/F/K/R” that appears on the display.
This mode allowsyou to select the unit of measurement: C for degrees Celsius,
Ωfor resistancein ohms, F for degrees Fahrenheit, K for Kelvin, and R for
Rankine.The Up and Down buttons are used to select one of the displayed
units.The underline cursor indicates which of the units is selected. The ENT
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide