pressed, the message “InvalidPasscode” is displayed and the instrument is re-
turned to the display mode that follows the function that was activewhen the
CAL Modewas entered.
Each individualinstrument has its own unique passcode. The passcode number
is givenon a notice provided with this instrument. The equipment manager is
responsiblefor keeping the passcode number stored in a proper location and
ensuring that itis not lost or forgotten. If necessary, the passcode can be re-
stored by contactingthe manufacturer. To enter the passcode, use the Up and
Downbuttons to set each digit of the passcode and the ENT butto n to move to
the next digit on the right. Press ENT twice when all digits are entered to move
to then extfunction. If the passcode is entered correctly, the next function in the
CAL Modeappears.
7.9.5 DateThis functiondisplays the present date and allows it to be changed. This func-
tion is placed in the pass-code protectedpart of the CAL Mode since thecali-
bration due warning messages depend on the present date as well as the stored
due dates.Use the Up and Down buttons to set each date segment and the ENT
button to movebetween the d ate segments.Press ENT when all digits are en-
tered tosave the changed values. The CLR button moves to the next function
withoutsaving the changed values.
7.9.6 Probe LockThis functionlocks or unlocks operation of the unit with the presently co n-
nected probe only.To set probe lock, use the Up and Down buttons to select
ON or OFF and press the ENT button to store the selected setting and continue.
If probe lock is set to ON, the serialnumber of thecurrently attached probe is
stored. Theinstrument can only be used to display temperature with the probe
that wasattached when the probe lock was set ON. If probe lock is ON and a
differentprobe is attached, the instrument returns to Blank Mode and displays
the message "Probe is locked". Measuring is disabled. Probe lock ON also dis-
ables access to the probe parameters that followin the menu.
If probe lock isOFF, the instrument can be used with any probe. To lock the in-
strumentwith a new probe, set probe lock OFF, attach a new probe, and then
set probe lock ON again.
7.9.7 Prb #This functiondisplays the serial number of the probe and allows it to be set.
The probeserial number is stored in the INFO-CON probe connector. Use
the Up and Downbuttons to set each digit and the ENT button to move to the
nextdigit on the right. Press ENT when all digits are entered.
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide