each date segmentand the ENT button to move to the next date segment on the
right. Press ENT when the date is correctly entered. Press CLR to moveto the
nextfunction without changing the date.
7.9.19 MDueThis function shows the date the instrument is due for calibration and allows it
to be set. The meter calibration due date is regularly checked againstthe pres -
ent date and if the calibration has expired the user is alerted with the message
“Mtrcal expired”. The message disappears only when the instrument is
recalibrated and the meter calibration due date is set to a future date. To set the
meter calibration due date, use the Up and Down buttons to set each date seg-
ment and the ENT button to moveto the n extdate segment to the rig ht. Press
ENT when the date is correctly entered. Press CLR to moveto the next func-
tion withoutchanging the date.
7.9.20 CAL1 and CAL2The CAL1 and CAL2 calibration parameters calibrate the instrument's PRT
range and thermistor range respectively.These parameters directly affect the
accuracyof the instrument and are only to be altered by an authorized, quali-
fiedtechnician as part of a regular instrument calibration operation. If the in-
strument is everreinitialized, these parameters are reset to 0. Refer to the
calibration procedure in Section 9. Use the Up and Down buttons to set the
valueand press the ENT button to store and continue. Press CLR to move to
the nextfunction without changing the date.
1522 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide