In this mode nothingappears on thealphanumeric portion of the display. Use
this mode if you areonly interested in the latest measurements and want to sim-
plify the appearance of the display.
The message “Prb cal expired”,“Mtr cal expired”, “Recharge Needed”, or
“Probe is locked”may be displayed.
7.2 Min/Max ModeThis mode is identified by “Min/Max” that temporarily appears on the display.
In this mode the maximum and minimum measurements taken since the last
time thefunction was cleared appears on the display. The minimum appears on
theleft and the maximum appears on the right. The resolution of the displayed
valuesmatch the cu rrent setting of the thermometer as set in the Resolution
mode (see Section 7.8). Pressing the CLR button at anytime while in this mode
clears the minimum and maximum values setting them to the last measurement.
Both the minimum and maximum are reset to 0°C (32°F) when the instrument
is poweredup.
Refer toSection 7.6 concerning how changing units affects Min/Max.
The message “Prb cal expired”,“Mtr cal expired”, “Recharge Needed”, or
“Probe is locked”may be displayed.
7.3 Demand LoggingThis modeis identified by "Demand Logging" which temporarily appears on
the screen.
In thismode up to 100 temperature readings with units, date, time, and label
can be stored as required. Thismode also allows all on-demand data points to
be viewed.The logged values can be downloaded to a PC using the serial port.
7.3.1 Demand Log Label and Data Storage
This functionallows data to be logged on-demand and also allows data to be
viewed.The message "Press ENT to log" appears on the screen. Press the ENT
buttonto store a label with the logged value and to log the current reading into
the on-demand memory.Press the Up or Down button to scroll through the pre-
viously storedvalues. Press the CLR button to cancel storing the reading and
to advanceto the next function.
Continuepressing the ENT button to log additional readings. The labels should
be pre-loaded intothe instrument before performing on-demand logging. If no
labelis chosen the default label is applied which is the number (between 1 and
100) of the reading. After choosinga label, the label and the reading are dis-
played on thesecond line of the display. The on-demand readings can then be
scrolledthrough using the Up and Down buttons.
7 Display Functions
Min/Max Mode