3.1 Specifications
TemperatureRange 150–1200°C(302–2192°F)
DisplayResolution 0.1°to 999.9°, 1° above 1000°
Stability ±0.5°C
DisplayAccuracy ±5.0°C
WellDiameter 1.25"(32 mm)
WellDepth 4"(102 mm)
Heating Time 35 minutes to 1200°C
Cooling Time 140 minutes with block
Wellto Well Un iformity ±0.5°Cto ±1.0°C (insert “C” at 1200°C)
Stabilization 20 minutes
Power 115VAC (±10%), 10.5 amps [230 VAC (±10%), 5.2 amps] switchable,
50/60Hz, 1200 W
Size 12.4"H x 8.2" W x 12.4"D (315 x 208 x 315 mm)
Weight 28lb. (13 kg)
FaultProtection Sensorburnout and short protection, over temperature thermal cutout
3.2 Environmental Conditions
Although the instrumenthas been designed for optimum durability and trou-
ble-freeoperation, it must be handled with care. The instrument should not be
operated inan excessively dusty or dirty environment. Maintenance and clean-
ing recommendationscan be found in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
The instrument operates safely under thefollowing conditions:
•temperature range: 5 - 50°C (41 - 122°F)
•ambient relative humidity: 15 - 50%
•pressure: 75kPa - 106kPa
•mains voltage within ± 10% of nominal
•vibrations in the calibration environment should be minimized
•altitude less than 2000 meters
3 Specifications and Environmental Conditions