ary menu. Press “SET” repeatedly until the display reads “CAL”. Press “UP”
until the serial interface menu is indicated with “SErIAL”. Finally press “SET”
to enter the serial parameter menu. In the serial interface parameters menu are
the BAUDrate, the sample rate, the duplex mode, and the linefeed parameter. BAUD Rate
The BAUDrate is the first parameter in the menu. The display prompts with
the BAUDrate parameter by showing “bAUd”. Press “SET” to choose to set
the BAUDrate. The current BAUD rate value is displayed. The BAUD rate of
the 9150 serialcommunications may be programmed to 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, or 9600 baud. TheBAUD rate is preprogrammed to 2400 BAUD. Use
“UP” or “DOWN”to change the BAUD rate value. Press “SET” to set the
BAUDrate to the new value or “EXIT” to abort the operation and skip to the
nextparameter in the menu. Sample Period
The sampleperiod is the next parameter in the menu and prompted with
“SPEr”. The sample period is the timeperiod in seconds between temperature
measurements transmitted from the serial interface.If the sample r ate is set to
5, the instrumenttransmits the current measurement over the serial interface ap-
proximatelyevery five seconds. The automatic sampling is disabled with a
sample period of 0. Press “SET” to choose to set thesample period. Adjust the
period with “UP” or “DOWN” and then use “SET” to set the sample rate to the
displayedvalue. Duplex Mode
The nextparameter is the duplex mode indicated with “dUPL”. The duplex
mode may be setto half duplex (“HALF”) or full duplex (“FULL”). With full
duplexany commands received by the thermometer via the serial interface are
immediately echoed or transmitted back to the device of origin. Withh alf du-
plexthe commands are executed butnot ech oed. The default setting is full du-
plex.The mode may be changed using “UP” or “DOWN” and pressing “SET”. Linefeed
The finalp arameter in the serial interface menu is the linefeed mode. This pa-
rameter enables(“On”) or disables (“OFF”) transmission of a linefeed charac-
ter (LF,ASCII 10) after transmission of any carriage-return. The default setting
is withlinefeed on. The mode may b e changed using “UP” or “DOWN”and
pressing “SET”.
9.1.3 Serial OperationOnce the cable has been attached and the interface set up properly,the control-
ler immediately begins transmitting temperature readings at the programmed
rate. Theserial communications uses 8 data bits, one stop bit, and no parity.
The set-point and other commands may be sent via the serial interface to set the
9150 Portable Furnace
User’s Guide