This sectioncontains information on troubleshooting, CE Comments, and a
13.1 Troubleshooting Problems,Possible Causes,
and Solutions
In the eventthat the instrument appears to function abnormally, this section
may help to findand solve the problem. Several possible problem conditions
are described along with likelycauses and solutions. If a problem arises, please
read thissection carefully and attempt to understand and solve the problem. If
the problem cannototherwise be solved, contact Hart Scientific Customer Ser-
vicefor assistance(1-801-763-1600). Be sure to have the model number and
serialnumber o f your instrumentavailable.
Problem PossibleCauses and Solutions
Incorrect temperature
Incorrectcalibration parameters. Find the values for CT1, CT2, CT3, CE1, CE2,
andCE3 on the Report of Calibration that was shipped with the instrument (or
fromsubsequent calibrations of the instrument). Reprogram the parameters into
theModel 9150 memory (see Section 8.12, Calibration Parameters). Allow the
instrumentto stabilize and verify the accuracy of the temperature reading.
Memoryscrambled. The memory may be scrambled due to a power surge or
otheraberration. Initialize the system by performing the Factory Reset
FactoryReset Sequence. Hold the SET and EXIT buttons down at the same
timewhile powering up the instrument. After the instrument displays
leasethe buttons. The display shows
,and then displays the firmware
version.After performing the master reset sequence, all of the configuration pa-
rametersare reset to their default values. Reprogram the calibration parameters
intothe Model 9150 memory (see Section 8.12, Calibration Parameters) and
anyoth era pplicable configuration parameters. Allow the instrument to stabilize
andverify the accuracy of the temperature reading.
Theinstrument heats or
coolstoo quickly or too
Incorrectscan and scan rate settings. The scan and scan rate settings may be
setto unwanted values. Check the Scan and Scan Rate settings. The scan may
beoff (if the unit seems to be responding too quickly). The scan may be on with
theScan Rate set low (if unit seems to be responding too slowly).
Incorrectheater switch polarity. The PEM and the heater voltage switch may
notbe set for the same voltage. Check both settings and correct as needed.
13 Troubleshooting