Chapter 3 BIOS Description
vBoot Up NumLock Status
This option defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system is started.
vTypematic Rate Setting
If this option is enabled, you can use the following two items to see the typematic rate and the typematic delay settings for your keyboard.
vTypematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Use this option to define how many characters per second a
vTypematic Delay (Msec)
Use this option to define how many milliseconds must elapse before a held- down key begins generating repeat characters.
vSecurity Option
When it is set to “Setup”, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup screen; When it is set to “System”, a password is required not only to enter CMOS Setup, but also to start up your PC.
vAPIC Mode
This option is used to enable or disable APIC function.
vFull Screen LOGO Show
This option allows you to enable or disable the full screen logo. The available setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
vSmall Logo (EPA) Show
This option allows you to enable or disable the EPA logo. The available setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.