To use the FinePix Internet services, users must first register.
Follow the steps below to register. Users can be registered for free.
1. Select Programs /FinePixViewer /FinePixViewer in
the Start menu to launch FinePixViewer.
2. Click the Users
Registration button. The
Operation Selection dialog
box appears.
<Users Registration button>
3. Select Users registration and click the [OK] button.
If you are not already connected to
the Internet, connect at this point.
(A dial-up dialog box may be
Only select menu acquisition if you
have already completed the user
registration process and you have
re-installed “FinePixViewer”, etc.
User Registration
Using the FinePix Internet Service
If you use the FinePixViewer, you can also access the FinePix Internet
Service via the Internet.
When you register, you will be able to use the various services provided in the
country where you are registered.
• The services provided vary depending on the country.
• The services are frequently updated, so we recommend that you access
them regularly.
• In order to access the service you need to have an internet connection,
provided by an ISP (Internet Service Provider.)
You must have the hardware and software required for connecting to the Internet.
The FinePix Internet Service does not include any connection fees charged by your
service provider or the normal telephone charges for dialing your service provider’s
access number.
Setting the file size for attached images
When FinePixViewer attaches an image file to an e-mail message, it adjusts
the size of the image file in accordance with the “Mail Transmission Settings”.
The file size is preset to an appropriate size for e-mailing immediately
following installation, but this setting can also be revised.
When an image is resized, the original image is not affected.
1. Click Mail Transmission Settings in the Settings menu.
2. Place a tick in the Resize
checkbox and specify the
number of pixels (height and
width) for resized images.
3. Place a tick in the File Format Conversion checkbox and
select the format (compression ratio) for converted files.
To prevent image resizing, remove the tick from the “Resize” and “File Format
Conversion” checkboxes.
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